Details PHANTASTIC – PHA-based iNnovative agriculTurAl Solutions to deliver bio-based ferTIlisers and plant protection produCtsFood, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and the environment, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details MAGNO – Conquering New Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Packaging PollutionFood, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and the environment, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details BIO2REG – Enabling transition towards circular and systemic BIOeconomy model regions by a Regions-to-Regions approachFood, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and the environment, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details K-CCRI – Knowledge hub to leverage existing initiatives and projects to foster the adoption of Circular economy in Cities and Regions In EuropeFood, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and the environment, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, KVC COORDINATE, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details PROMISED – PROMoting twin transition through Integrated steam in bilingual Secondary EDucationERASMUS+, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details HORUS – Health Outcomes from Raised Urban SettingsHealth, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details PALLIAKID – Comprehensive pediatric palliative care approachHealth, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details CO-SECUR – Knowledge building and social innovation for a successful, more effective and CO-produced urban SECURity solutions. Civil security for society, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, KVC COORDINATE, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details ViSS – Viable, safe and sustainable PHBV value chain for food packaging applicationsFood, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and the environment, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, WE ARE PARTNERS IN
Details CO-CAPTAIN – Cancer prevention among individuals with mental ill-health: CO-adapting and implementing patient navigation for primary cancer preventionHealth, HORIZON EUROPE PROJECTS, WE ARE PARTNERS IN