R&D Fields

Health and wellbeing

Kveloce contributes in responding to the world’s major health and wellbeing challenges in need of innovative strategies and tools to support:
  • Citizenship: to promote healthy lifestyle habits and self-manage their own chronic diseases,
  • Health and social professionals: to advance integrated and results-based care,
  • Health and social systems: to collaborate and be more sustainable, from an economic and environmental point of view,
  • Companies: to provide digital tools and competitive solutions.

Thus, Kveloce co-designs new intervention models supported by digital solutions involving the Quadruple Helix of innovation (public administration, academia, end-users and companies). Kveloce also supports local entities in piloting, implementing and evaluating projects and initiatives in this field.

Educational innovation and digital learning

Kveloce researchs on educational innovation and digital learning and aims at addressing the socio-economic challenges set by Europe concerning (green) growth, employment, equality and social inclusion in education and training. In particular, Kveloce designs personalized training programs (formal and informal) responding to specific challenges (e.g., gender-based violence and psychosocial skills in low-skilled jobs) and target groups (people with disabilities, seniors, among others).

Kveloce also develops ICT solutions for capacity building and training, including online courses, virtual learning environments (VLE) and apps. Some examples of solutions developed by Kveloce I+D+i within innovation projects are the NOPUNISH platform for the JUSTICE programme, the training modules of the SAVE project under the DAPHNE Programme or the training for professionals under the BestByDoing programme under the Erasmus+ programme, to name a few.

Sustainable (urban) transformation and social sciences

We are particularly interested in researching how current transformation processes related to sustainability in urban environments, and how cities, territories and businesses interact with human processes: thus, the way in which people and communities are affected by technology and innovation involving a more sustainable model, and vice versa. For example, Kveloce team researchs how environmental awareness and behaviour change are promoted for sustainability (e.g. sustainable mobility, energy efficiency) fostered around transformation and innovation processes are the subject of this line of research. It is important to highlight other aspects: for instance, how the social inclusion, employment or well-being conditions are being altered by the changing paradigm (or specific green interventions).


Economic models related to social and environmental impact

Kveloce analyses innovative business models with positive social impacts (i.e. social impact bonds) to foster the sustainability of current welfare systems. With this line of research, Kveloce also contributes to the improvement and optimization of the impact of project results (socio-economic impact assessment) and their sustainability once public funding ends.
In addition, Kveloce is interested in identifying facilitators and barriers to the circular economy and promoting the participation of citizens, potentially favouring sustainability-oriented attitudes and behavioural changes for the promotion of green companies.

Scientific communication and citizen science

Kveloce contributes to the advancement of knowledge on how to inform, train and raise awareness on issues related to science to society to (i) make society aware of the scientific advances that affect their daily lives, (ii) contribute to better-informed decision-making, and (iii) favour their quality of life and the sustainability of their actions.

Research with a gender perspective

Kveloce research line on gender is aimed at analyzing the existing gaps and barriers that women still face with the main objective of providing relevant tools to create environments of gender equality (in education, at work, etc.) and integrate the gender dimension in projects, curricula, etc. At the same time, this line works on awareness-raising activities and the elaboration of policy recommendations to achieve gender equality from a holistic perspective.
In this sense, Kveloce has recently analyzed the situation of rural women in the agri-food sector of the Valencian Community, (ii) proposed a training model that promotes entrepreneurship and the labour inclusion of rural women in the agri-food sector, and iii) has identified initiatives (good practices) of social innovation launched by women of reference.
In addition, Kveloce also addresses gender equality in the implementation of activities and projects and provides guidelines to ensure this equality in research and innovation activities.