HORUS – Health Outcomes from Raised Urban Settings

Programme: Horizon Europe (GA 101136516) Date: 2023-2026 NCDs, especially diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, accounting for 17.9 million deaths per year. Diabetes, on the other hand, accounts for 2 million deaths annually. These diseases have a greater impact on vulnerable populations. This increased prevalence among this…

PALLIAKID – Comprehensive pediatric palliative care approach

Programme: Horizon Europe Date: 2023-2028 PALLIAKID is an interdisciplinary project aimed at evaluating the feasibility, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of novel interventions for children, adolescents and young people with palliative and end-of-life care needs in different European healthcare systems, focusing on those factors valued by patients and their caregivers. The project is based on three fundamental…

CO-CAPTAIN – Cancer prevention among individuals with mental ill-health: CO-adapting and implementing patient navigation for primary cancer prevention

Programme: Horizon Europe (GA 101104784) Date: 2023-2026 Cancer and mental illness are major public health problems in Europe. More than 80 million people suffer from mental health problems, and around 4 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year. There is a link between mental health and cancer, with people with mental health problems…

K-HEALTHinAIR – Knowledge for improving indoor AIR quality and HEALTH

Programme: Horizon Europe (GA 101057693) Date: 2022-2025 K-HEALTHinAIR aims at the assessment of the indoor air quality (IAQ) effects in health on the basis of an extensive monitoring campaign of chemical and biological indoor air pollutants in several very representative  at EU-level indoor locations together with deep research on their sources, interactions, and main correlations…

CANCERLESS – Cancer prevention and early detection among the homeless population in Europe: Co-adapting and implementing the Health Navigator Model

Programme: H2020 (GA 965351) Date: 2021-2024 El cáncer es una de las principales causas de muerte en Europa: la mortalidad relacionada con el cáncer es el doble que en la población sin hogar en comparación con la población general. Las personas sin hogar están expuestas a comportamientos de riesgo para la salud, así como a…

WELLBASED – Improving health, WELLbeing and equality by evidence-BASED urban policies for tackling energy poverty

Programme: H2020 (GA 945097) Date: 2021-2025 The project aims to design, implement and evaluate a comprehensive urban programme to reduce energy poverty and its effects on the health and well-being of citizens, built on evidence-based approaches, easily adaptable and transferable to different European realities (with different well-being and health models). To this end, 6 pilots…

UHCE Urban Health Centre 2.0 – Integrated health and social care pathways

Programme: European Union Health Programme 2008-2013 Date: 2008-2013 Urban Health Centres 2.0 (UHC2.0) promote innovative integrated health and social care pathways, early detection of frailty, management of polypharmacy and prevention of falls for active and healthy ageing in European cities. The general objective is to develop, implement, and evaluate the UHC2.0 in 5 varied European…

EFFICHRONIC: Enhancing health systems sustainability by providing cost-efficiency data of evidenced based interventions for chronic management in stratified population based on clinical and socio-economic determinants of health

Programme: III Health Programme de la U.E (GA 738127) Date: 2017-2020 The project EFFICHRONIC aims to provide evidence on the positive return of investment and cost-efficiency of the application of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Programme (CDSMP) in 5 different European countries (France, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and UK) with a particular focus on the health,…

COMSALUD – High-impact strategies in Health Communication and in implementing socially relevant health interventions with psyco-social vulnerable groups

Programme: Project funded by the Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (Valencian Innovation Agency)- AVI. Nº de expediente: INNTAL31/19/001 Date: 2019-2021 The research conducted within the COMSALUD project aims at enhancing the impact of health communication and counselling, awareness-raising campaigns, health education and health literacy programmes as well as the empowerment of psychosocially vulnerable patients and,…

InAdvance – Patient-centred pathways of early palliative care, supportive ecosystems and appraisal standard

Programme: H2020 (GA 825750) Date: 2019-2022 InAdvance h2020 project proposes a new model of palliative care based on early integration and personalised pathways addressed specifically to older people with complex chronic conditions. The resulting interventions from InAdvance must be sustainable over time and replicable in different cultural contexts and in different healthcare paths. At the same…