Detalles NPower – balancing Nitrogen and Phosphorus flOWs by budgEting at Regional scaleAlimentación, bioeconomía, recursos naturales, agricultura y medio ambiente, HORIZONTE EUROPA
Detalles ANIPH – Avoiding the Negative Impacts produced by Plastic materials in Humanitarian contextsAlimentación, bioeconomía, recursos naturales, agricultura y medio ambiente, HORIZONTE EUROPA
Detalles PHANTASTIC – PHA-based iNnovative agriculTurAl Solutions to deliver bio-based ferTIlisers and plant protection produCtsAlimentación, bioeconomía, recursos naturales, agricultura y medio ambiente, HORIZONTE EUROPA, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles MAGNO – Conquering New Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Packaging PollutionAlimentación, bioeconomía, recursos naturales, agricultura y medio ambiente, HORIZONTE EUROPA, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles BIO2REG – Enabling transition towards circular and systemic BIOeconomy model regions by a Regions-to-Regions approachAlimentación, bioeconomía, recursos naturales, agricultura y medio ambiente, HORIZONTE EUROPA, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles K-CCRI – Knowledge hub to leverage existing initiatives and projects to foster the adoption of Circular economy in Cities and Regions In EuropeAlimentación, bioeconomía, recursos naturales, agricultura y medio ambiente, HORIZONTE EUROPA, KVC COORDINA, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles PROMISED – PROMoting twin transition through Integrated steam in bilingual Secondary EDucationERASMUS+, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles PALLIAKID – Comprehensive pediatric palliative care approachHORIZONTE EUROPA, Salud, SOMOS SOCIAS EN