Research, development and innovation consultancy

If you aspire to obtain an ERC Grant, we can help you within the wide range of services in which we have been able to generate experience and knowledge: from go/nogo analysis, strategic design of the proposal to its integral revision (in one or several phases), elaboration of graphics and proof-reading, as well as preparation for the interview phase, for all modalities (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced, Synergy).

Elaboration and reviewing proposals for grants and funding at European level
We can provide you with the technical assistance you need: our experience relies on excel in the preparation and presentation of R&D&i project proposals, focusing them on the different calls and R&D&i programmes at a national and Europen level.

We support you in the design of an R&D strategy, assisting you in the definition of the actions that will guide the entity to achieve the acquisition of public and private funds to transform you ideas into R&D projects, achieving also the internationalization and the R&D market transfer.