Programme: ERASMUS+ KA2. Asociaciones Estratégicas para la Educación de Adultos
(Project: 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065615)
Date: 2019-2022
Nowadays, the society moves forward new ways of education, both formal and non-formal, based on the implementation of life-long learning training courses on different topics fundamentally in Blended- Learning environments. To this end, there is a need of online non-formal training that facilitates the learning of students of different ages, making them functional, efficient regarding the achievement of the learning outcomes, and encouraging students’ interest and increase their motivation. In this framework, the SmartArt project aims to design an intelligent training environment in the discipline of Art History that integrates a design of self-regulated learning using hypermedia resources in which a continuous systematic evaluation of the learning process is included. For that, partners propose the development of two intellectual outputs, two learning activities and 3 multiplier events (Spain, Portugal and Malta). The intellectual outputs proposed are: O1. Self-regulated learning in SmartArt, and O2. Methodological guidelines to personalise VLE to student’s patterns. Both IOs will be developed with the active participation of students and teachers and the consultation with experts in the field. Moreover, the learning activities will involve a total of 8 students and 8 teachers to use the SmartArt and the eye-tracking software to record their motivation and learning pattern. The SmartArt will be open available at the end of the project in partners website in Spanish, English and Portuguese and ready to be adapted to other disciplines (not only Art studies). Thus, partners have foreseen in the O1 a handbook with practical and understandable guidelines to adapt the SmartArt to other disciplines. Moreover, as part of the O2, partners will develop methodological guidelines to provided interested teachers and software developers the needed skills to personalise Virtual Learning Environments to students’ patterns. Those guidelines will be also open available in the partners’ website.