On the 24th of October, Wednesday, Kveloce presented the workshop on European Programmes for humanities, economy, laws and education to be held in the University of Burgos.
This workshop was framed within a set of capacity building actions in Universities aimed at enhancing the strategy for project proposals in competitive European Programmes. For instance, workshops held in Murcia on Health, in the University Jaume I Castellón on the MSCA-ITN grants and, of course, these in Burgos, focused on Social Sciences and Humanities.
Kveloce has a long history of collaboration and cooperation with the University of Burgos, as well as many success cases in European Programmes. So, this workshop was the third one organised in Burgos: it was, again, a participatory seminar for working hand-in-hand with researchers and project managers in the DG Justice and REC, Hercules, H2020 or ERASMUS + programmes.
Trainings and workshops’ ultimate goal is to enhance success. Our success rate in European Programme has dramatically increased during the last three years: in Erasmus+ reaches the 40% of success and the 90% of non-approved proposals remains in the waiting list. Thanks to our knowledge, expertise and interdisciplinary staff, we can inform about the various European programs to which these disciplines, perhaps sometimes forgotten, can apply, in a comprehensive but convivial way.
Our training method is eminently practical, specifically designed for meeting the needs on strategical writing, through counselling, real examples and cases of success.
Then, it was be an excellent opportunity to learn about the most competitive call at European level. Thanks to the support that the OTRI-OTC provides to all the research staff, these represent the most important opportunity for the transfer of results and collaborative research at an international level.