Programme: H2020 (GA 875215)
Date: 2019-2024
Healthy ageing along with independent living have become fundamental challenges for Europe as all EU member states (and virtually every country in the world) are experiencing growth in the number and proportion of older persons in their population.
In this framework, Value-based health care s a delivery model in which providers, including hospitals and physicians, together with citizens/patients aim to reach the best citizen health outcomes.
VALUECARE’s vision of healthy ageing is that any older individual in society can live the best life possible according to what they value, facilitated by access to high quality, person-centred, evidence-based and affordable health and social care services, supported by strong and integrated health and social services. VALUECARE partners believe that taking an “enhanced value-based approach”, including not only health but also lifestyle and social care in the concept of value-based care.
Health and Well-Being of Older People in the City of Valencia: A Comprehensive Study
Pérez-Saiz, L.; Ferri-Sanz, M.; Canas, M.; Fernandez, M.; Ferrando, M.; Dix, R. Health and Well-Being of Older People in the City of Valencia: A Comprehensive Study. Healthcare 2024, 12, 2526.