Funded by the ERASMUS+ program KA2 Strategic Partnerships for school education. Project 2020-1-ES01-KA201-081850

Project: SeLFiE

Date: 2020-2023

The main objective of SELFIE is to improve the competences of bilingual Primary teachers and their trainers; Furthermore, to improve science teaching and foreign language proficiency in
Primary school children. The integration of CLIL, ECBI and EDP in Primary Education will be analyzed in order to define a profile of bilingual teacher, training and in-service support and
Teachers in training in the new methodologies and models developed for learning a second language through STEAM topics.
The most important result is a new method for teaching science within bilingual contexts sustained on 3 Intellectual outputs:
• Toolkit: revision of good practices in the fields of CLIL, IBSE and EDP; compilation of OERs and educational materials, including co-teaching guidelines. • ScienceL2 Series: Series of booklets that will include brief comments on methodology, and the complete teaching plan (including resources, rubrics, evaluation guidelines,
complementary reading, etc) for developing different scientific contents, included in the school curriculum of the partners.
• ScienceL2 Online repository of materials










This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.