At the end of September results of ICT H2020 first call were published, which were submitted 1645 proposals, 91 of which were under the Topic ICT – 21-2014, of what is the project approved 3DTuneIn.
Kveloce manages Nerlaska participation (producer and provider of Video Games) in the project led by De Montfort University (Leicester, UK). It will have a total budget of 3,363,875 euros for the 8 entities involved in project development. 3D-Tune-In brings together relevant stakeholders: the SME digital games industry (Reactify, Vianet, XTeam and Nerlaska); academic institutes(De Montfort University, University of Nottingham, University of Malaga); a large European hearing aid manufacturer (GN); and hearing communities (Associations – Extra Care, Hearing Link, Action Deafness, Accesibilidad y Personas Sordas and Ente Nazionale Sordi); to produce digital games applied to hearing aids, addressing social inclusion, generating new markets and creating job opportunities.