LUCAS – Links United for Coma Awakenings through Sport

Programme: ERASMUS+ Date: 2015-2016 LUCAS European Sport Collaborative Partnership (IT, BE, CY, DK, ES, LT, PT) aims to create a stable European network for sharing information, expertise & good practices in terms of models of rehabilitation through Sport, for the successful reintegration of people with acquired disability from traumatic brain injury & spinal cord injury…

PLEASE (Please, Let’s enjoy a seniors experience)

Programme: COSME-05-2015 Date: 2016-2017 Seniors aged 60 to 70, already retired and receiving a pension are available to travel in a low-medium season. The new touristic offer provided by the project will be organised regarding sharing economy, according to the project requirements but respecting the customers expectations, except for international transfer, which will be provided…

Integrated plans for sustainable urban development in the Cabanyal district

Project: EDUSI3C: Estrategias de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible e Integrado de Cabanyal – Canyamelar – Cap de França, València Date: 2015-2016 The Cabanyal neighbourhood has suffered a significant process of degradation and debasement during the last 20 years. It is especially notorious regarding the building’s deterioration, public places and common areas and the worsening of the urban…

3D Tune-in – 3D-games for TUNing and lEarnINg about hearing aids

Programme: H2020 ICT-21 Date: 2015-2018 3D Tune-In brings together relevant stakeholders from traditional gaming industries, academic institutes, a large European hearing aid manufacturer and hearing communities produce digital games in the field of hearing aid technologies and hearing loss in children and older adults, addressing social inclusion, generating new markets and creating job opportunities More…

CAP4ACCESS – Collective Awareness Platforms for Improving Accessibility in European Cities Regions

Programme: Seventh Framework Programme (Project: 612096) Date: 2014-2016 The objective of CAP4Access is to develop and pilot-test methods and tools for collectively gathering and sharing information about accessibility of public spaces. Our tasks: Documentation, annotation and discussion of places and routes about their accessibility. Visualising the data in ways which are intuitive and highly attractive for…

AFE-Innovnet – Thematic Network Innovation for age-friendly environments in the European Union

Programme: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) (ref.: 620978) Date: 2014-2016 The overarching goal of AFE-INNOVNET is to set up a large EU wide community of local and regional authorities (LRAs) and other relevant stakeholders who want to work together to find smart and innovative evidence based solutions to support active and healthy ageing and develop…


Programme: H2020 – MSCH Date: 2014 – 2016 VirCoin2SME aims at increasing European and international collaboration in research and innovation to foster competitiveness and entrepreneurship around the ecosystem of digital social innovation and complementary currencies Digital Social Innovation The creation of new online communities contribute to the use of virtual currencies by business and social…

APPCARE – Appropriate care paths for frail elderly patients. A comprehensive model

Programme: HEALTH PROGRAMME (2014-2020) (GA 664689) Date: 2015-2017 The APPCARE project – which involves three countries: Italy, Spain and The Netherlands – seeks to analyse the ways to reduce hospital admissions, in particular the recurring ones. This can be done through a process of selection of the patients the very moment they enter the emergency…

INSPIRES – Innovative Social Policies for Inclusive and Resilient Labour Markets in Europe

Programme: Funded by the 7th Framework Programme (GA 320121) Date: 2016 The main goal of the INSPIRES project is to contribute to the resilience and inclusiveness of labour markets in European countries. The benefits of INSPIRES are manifold due to the fact that combating unemployment and promoting inclusion have always been an important policy goal for…