Detalles K-HEALTHinAIR – Knowledge for improving indoor AIR quality and HEALTHHORIZONTE EUROPA, Salud, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles DISTENDER – DevelopIng STratEgies by integrating mitigatioN, aDaptation and participation to climate changE RisksClima, energía y movilidad, HORIZONTE EUROPA, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles GREEN Factor – eco and entrepreneurial pathways to boost young people’s factor of changeERASMUS+, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles SDG-iLevel – Leveraging Individual SDG Contributions by University StaffERASMUS+, SOMOS SOCIAS EN
Detalles Ocean Night – helping society understand the importance of the marine ecosystemHORIZONTE EUROPA
Detalles GaminGEE – GAMe-based tools to Foster an INtegrative model for early Gender Equality EducationERASMUS+, SOMOS SOCIAS EN