Apr282021NewsTechnology and Innovation Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish. Categories: News, Technology and InnovationBy Kveloce28/04/2021Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:SUSKIDS and FORDYS-VAR, two Erasmus+ aimed at students with Special Educational NeedsNextNext post:(Español) El turismo social accesible como política social, nuestra contribución en el Congreso Internacional «El museo para todas las personas: arte, accesibilidad e inclusión social»Noticias relacionadasInnovation in sustainable development with the ‘Self-Nudges Toolkit’21/05/2024The Global Challenge of Neglected Tropical Diseases30/01/2024CO-SECUR project kicks off to strengthen urban security through social innovation and citizen engagement23/01/2024Celebrating the growth and achievements of 2023 at Kveloce21/12/2023
CO-SECUR project kicks off to strengthen urban security through social innovation and citizen engagement23/01/2024