As is tradition, this month we have been able to enjoy our mid-year meeting that brings together all the people who are part of the Kveloce team. The meeting focused on following up on the current state of the company and setting future goals, as well as celebrating the achievements of the past few months.
With the aim of heading towards a future of growth, we have shared with the whole team the strategy that Kveloce will follow in the period 2024-2026, showing a solid commitment to the long-term vision of the company. The plan has been developed with the support and advice of the strategic consultancy IFEDES and has involved the entire Kveloce team, as their experience and creativity are essential to design a path to success.
This strategic approach will allow us to create a well-defined roadmap that will facilitate our growth, achievements and internationalisation.
This meeting was also the perfect opportunity to celebrate the award of new Horizon Europe projects to Kveloce in 2023. In particular, four projects have been funded in the latest calls for proposals, three of which are from the environment cluster (CL6) and one from the security cluster (CL3). In the first area, the projects funded include coordination and support actions for the promotion of the adoption of the regional circular economy and the promotion of the bioeconomy in Europe, as well as research and development activities for the reduction of plastic in the food sector. In the field of security, research has been funded to promote the application of social sciences to improve technologies to improve citizen security. Two of these projects will be coordinated by Kveloce, which for the first time has decided to take on this leadership role leading more than 20 other organisations from 15 different countries. These projects are awaiting the signature of the grant agreement by the European Commission. Once formalised, we will share more information, but we didn’t want to go on holiday without letting everybody to know these fantastic news. 👏👏👏.
Summer is here and, although our energy is far from exhausted, a break is needed. We promise to return with our batteries recharged to face new challenges, to continue offering our experience and know-how, in particular in our Grant writing services for the September and October calls, as well as in the support we offer to researchers interested in the new 2024 programme of the European Research Center (ERC). In short, we promise to continue to contribute to the advancement of research in Europe.
The future holds exciting possibilities, and we will make the most of them! Stay tuned, because great things are on the way…💪🌟