Kveloce was present at the COP25, where we attended conferences and debates related to the work we conduct in different Projects.
Among the conferences we attended, we would like to remark the talk offered by Bocconi University from Milan, our partner in the European Project MatchUp, where results on the importance of cities in the emission of GEIs were presented, as well as the role of different factors such as population density, transport, the climatic efficiency of public and private buildings or the infrastructures in these emissions. In this conference, it was stressed the need to address the social implications, both positive and negative, derived from the implementation of innovation aimed at reducing the environmental impact. In this sense, gentrification or the increase of social inequality in certain urban districts may be collateral effects of interventions that, paradoxically, are intended to create more sustainable neighbourhoods.
We found also particularly relevant the debate on nature-based solutions, where the importance of this Kind of solutions in different environments, both urban and rural, was again emphasized. At this regard, the need of a Good analysis to optimize the impact of these solutions was underlined, to consider the different ecosystem services they offer, such as bioremediation of water and soils
or even the curb of healthcare expenditures. Notwithstanding their cost, such solutions can become highly profitable with an appropriate Impact Assessment, taking into account their complex effects.
Ultimately, analysing in a comprehensive manner the determinants and consequences of the different options is essential when searching for solutions to the current climatic crisis. It is imperative to look for trade-offs where the citizens, the people, perceive the combined benefit of contributing to preserve our environment, while also our welfare is enhanced and our social and community cohesion is reinforced. In this sense, it is crucial to count on citizen participation processes as well as adequate communication and reporting of evidence regarding the different viable solutions.
This way, talking and listening on the relevance of impact assessment and citizen engagement, we have noticed the confluence of important human challenges related to climatic change. Challenges on which Kveloce I+D+i have much to say due to our experience and knowledge in the field of social research, and we hope to keep addressing in our ongoing and future projects.