DISTENDER – DevelopIng STratEgies by integrating mitigatioN, aDaptation and participation to climate changE Risks

Programme: Horizon Europe (GA 101056836) Date: 2022-2025 DISTENDER is a project funded by the Horizon Europe program that has 31 partners from 12 countries and aims to build a methodological framework for the integration of different types of adaptation and mitigation strategies against climate change in six case studies that include both European cities and…

MatchUP – MAximizing the UPscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies

Programme: H2020 (GA 774477) Date: 2017-2023 MatchUP is a large pilot project aimed at transforming cities through innovation and technology at the service of local communities living in complex environments. Currently, cities tackle problems of pollution, energy consumption and overcrowding, risking to become unsafe and unhealthy place to live. MAtchUP foresees dedicated actions to improve…