Last November, from the 22nd to the 24th, Valencia city hosted the presentation of the MAtchUp project, where Kveloce I+D+I has an important labour during the next five years.
MAtchUP project (MAximizing the UPscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies) is financed by the European Union, specifically by the Horizon2020 program and its so-called SmartCities and Community Lighthouses Projects.
The aim of the MatchUP project is to revitalize and modernize the city throughout the energetic efficiency, the reduction of carbon emissions, the improvement of the air quality, the sustainable mobility, the ITC integration, the industry reconversion and the civil engagement.
In Valencia, Kveloce accompanies the Valencia town hall and its centre Las Naves, the enterprise WITRAC, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the CARTIF foundation, the Tecnalia Research and Innovation Foundation and the municipal transport company to address together the ambitious challenge of urban transformation.
In total, the consortium is formed by 28 partners from 8 countries, where only in the city of Valencia MAtchUP will provide a contribution of 5.5 million euros and 52 actions with a very significant impact on the Poblats Marítims during the next 5 years.
During the 60-month project, MAtchUP will implement a pilot program in three flagship cities: Valencia (Spain), Dresde (Alemania) y Antalya (Turkey). Moreover, the cities of Ostende (Belgium), Herzliya (Israel), Skopie (Macedonia) y Kerava (Finland) will be included as “followers”. These “follower” cities will reply the approved and validated measures in Dresde, Antalya and Valencia.
Our company will have a very prominent role in the actions related to the commitment and citizen participation or “Citizen Engagement”, fostering the involvement and co-creation of all citizens to develop effective solutions in energy management, employment, sustainable transport and social and innovative entrepreneurship through the generation of community links and public-private sponsorships.
During the following five years we will carry an intensive diffusion activity aimed to promote Valencia citizen awareness and to increase the impact of the MAtchUP project. Thanks to the support of our partners, we will implement events, training activities, platforms and toolkits to get a reliable feedback on the part of the citizenship about the effectiveness, utility and perceptions of the urban transformation that this challenging project proposes.
See you in Valencia!