“You have helped me to make two very solid proposals, in record time.
But, beyond the result, I wanted to thank you for the process. As I was telling a good friend yesterday (who knows Kveloce and knows well how difficult project work is), after this experience, NEVER AGAIN without KVC”.

Rafael Monterde DiazAssociate Professor - Department of Engineering Projects (UPV) Academic Director - Master in Project Management SAP Chairman - Academic Board Iberoamérica - SAP University Alliances

“I am thankful to the Kveloce team for their help during both the information session and the mock interview which was key to the successful preparation of my interview and the obtention of the grant!”

Ruben Durante PhDProfessor of Economics, National University of Singapore ICREA Research Professor, University Pompeu Fabra

We are very excited to share with the Kveloce team that the MSCA-SE: K-Reporters project has been finalist with a more than satisfactory result from the evaluators and the evaluators of the European Union. For this reason we would like to thank you for your support and accompaniment during the process. Your proposals for improvement were key to gaining coherence and excellence, which elevated the project to be eligible and powerful in a call that has a very competitive nature.
In addition, the proposal review we carried out was a training session for us and we valued it as a learning opportunity.
So, as a team that has also been part of this process, we would like to thank you for your valuable contribution and we hope to meet again in the future.

Montserrat Rifà-Valls, PhD & Mireia Foradada Villar, PhDResearch Group ATLAS, Critical Intersections in Education
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Special thanks to the hard work by Kveloce consultancy firm and all the advice they have put into the proposal.

Ruben ArteroProfessor, University of Valencia

With this email I want to thank you formally with all the efforts, and hard work team KVC put together during last number of weeks to make it possible. Much appreciated. It was great collaborating with KVC and I see good possibility of future collaborations even apart from this project being granted.
Many Thanks and  Kind regards

Dr Ali Hasnain BS Honours (Computer), MSC, PhD, PgCert (T&L in HE)University of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

I think that this is one of the best written and most coherent proposal I have read and also very motivating since it will allow our consortium to jointly work for the improvement of the life and health of a lot of people in Europe.
Special congrats to K-Veloce team for their job at writing the proposal.

Elena RocherTècnica de Salut | Health Program Officer. Las Naves

Special thanks to my colleagues at KVC, they were a wonderful support throughout the proposal preparation process.

Nadia Noori, Ph.D.Department of Information Systems
Faculty of Social Sciences
Universitetet I Agder